
Maine Cannot Afford a State-Run Single-Payer Health Insurance System

Defeat LDs 1611 and 1617!

Two bills have been introduced to implement a state-government-run health insurance program in Maine. Both are bad policy.

LD 1617 establishes a single-payer health care program in Maine in three phases, based on income, beginning in 2022 for those residents not eligible for the MaineCare program. The bill also creates the Single-payer Implementation Task Force to make recommendations to fully implement the single-payer health care program.

LD 1611 would create a single payer system, require all Mainers to contribute based on the ability to pay, and place a tax on all businesses. The bill specifically says that the costs of such a system are unknown, and so is the tax.  It charges the state with determining the costs of healthcare in total, and then develop the premiums and the set the tax in order to pay for it. It also would require the federal government to repeal laws to allow the state plan to go into effect. In particular, it would require that private health insurance plans—for example, employer-sponsored plans— be terminated. Last, it will not pay for “Health care services determined to have no medical benefit by the [Maine Health] board,” in other words, government bureaucrats will decide what care you receive.

This all sounds very familiar, “We have to pass the bill to know what is in it.”  We have been down that road in healthcare before, and it has resulted in skyrocketing premiums, deductibles and co-pays.

We don’t even know what the full costs of Medicaid expansion will be, but these legislators want to destroy the system we have now.

The public hearing for both bills will be held by the Committee on Health Coverage, Insurance and Financial Services but have not yet been scheduled. Contact the committee members and let them know your thoughts on this bill.

LD 1611 An Act To Support Universal Health Care

Sponsored by Representative BROOKS of Lewiston. Cosponsored by Senator BELLOWS of Kennebec and Representatives: ACKLEY of Monmouth, EVANGELOS of Friendship, FOLEY of Biddeford, HARNETT of Gardiner, MELARAGNO of Auburn, RISEMAN of Harrison, SYLVESTER of Portland, TIPPING of Orono.

LD 1617 An Act To Create a Single-payer Health Care Program in Maine

Sponsored by Representative SYLVESTER of Portland. Cosponsored by Senator BELLOWS of Kennebec and Representatives: BAILEY of Saco, BROOKS of Lewiston, HANDY of Lewiston, MADIGAN of Waterville, MAXMIN of Nobleboro, TALBOT ROSS of Portland, TEPLER of Topsham, WARREN of Hallowell.

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