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Our Republic is comprised of 50 unique states, all Laboratories of Democracy. Depending on where you reside, you may or may not enjoy more or less individual and economic freedom than your neighbor in a border state. A stark example of a state that embraces individual and economic liberty versus one with extensive government control over the direction of your life is New Hampshire versus Maine.

The Cato Institute recently ranked all 50 of the American states based on how their public policies promote freedom in the fiscal, regulatory, and personal aspects of our lives. A public policy think tank, The Cato Institute promotes the principles of individual liberty, limited government, and free markets.

The ranking declares New Hampshire as the freest state in our country. Maine, in contrast, is in the bottom tier of states, clocking in at 34th in the nation. Cato consistently lists New Hampshire, Florida, and Nevada as the freest states. While New Yorkers experience the least amount of freedom in the nation, an appalling position it has held every year since 2000.  

New Hampshire earns the distinction of being the freest state based on how they do overall in both economic and personal freedom. The study notes that New Hampshire’s tax burden, government debt, consumption, and public employment are all much lower than the national average. Most compelling, the study points out that, “New Hampshire is one of the least cronyist states” in the nation.

Examining the conditions that led to Maine’s ranking, Cato acknowledges that, “Maine has long been one of the freest states in the country personally and one of the least free economically.” The study notes that, “Maine’s taxes have long been high, crushing taxpayers overall at 11.4% of adjusted personal income and earning the state rankings in the bottom 10 for both state and local taxes.”  

On the positive side, Cato offers praise for Mainer’s individual liberties including our Constitutional Right to keep and bear arms, noting the passage of the 2015 law signed by Gov. Paul R. LePage that allows a person who is not otherwise prohibited from possessing a firearm to carry a concealed handgun in the State of Maine without a permit.

Although the study finds Maine’s educational freedom lacking due to our limited voucher program and over-regulation of private schools, the study offers praise for the passage of limited public school choice under the prior leadership of Gov. LePage.

The study recommends how a state may improve its standing when it comes to liberty and individual freedom. For example in Maine, they recommend reducing spending on public welfare and financial administration. They also recommend reducing individual and corporate income taxes.

As Thomas Jefferson cautioned in a letter to Colonel Edward Carrington in 1788, “the natural progress of things is for liberty to yield and government to gain ground.” Maine has a lot of ground to make to ensure that all of its citizens enjoy the economic and individual freedom they deserve.

A link to the full study is below.…/print-edition

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